A woman lifted a car to save her dad, according to reports in an amazing and daring rescue. Lauren Kornacki is reported to have lifted the 1.5 ton car off of her father in an amazing incident that doctors are now saying saved his life.
Kornacki's father was working on a car when it suddenly fell down on top of him.
Kornacki witnessed the horrific incident but instantly jumped into action to get the one and a half ton BMW 525i off from her dad.
"I just lifted up kind of right here and just kind of threw it, shoved my body into it as hard as I could. And then I came back and dragged him out and started CPR," Kornacki told Fox 19.
Kornacki, 22, from Glen Allen, Va. has been reported to be a former basketball player, and has previously received training in CPR.
"It flashed like, 'I'm going to lose my dad. His eyes were open; he wasn't responding to me. I knew I had to get his heart beating again, and I had to get him breathing," she reported to the TV station.
Lauren Kornacki is reported to have lifted the 1.5 ton car off of her father in an amazing incident that doctors are now saying saved his life.
Kornacki's father was working on a car when it suddenly fell down on top of him. Kornacki witnessed the horrific incident but instantly jumped into action to get the one and a half ton BMW 525i off from her dad.
"I just lifted up kind of right here and just kind of threw it, shoved my body into it as hard as I could. And then I came back and dragged him out and started CPR," Kornacki told Fox 19. Kornacki, 22, from Glen Allen, Va. has been reported to be a former basketball player, and has previously received training in CPR. "It flashed like, 'I'm going to lose my dad. His eyes were open; he wasn't responding to me. I knew I had to get his heart beating again, and I had to get him breathing," she reported to the TV station.
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