turn become infected with the virus. Subsequently, the infected tick transmits the virus to other birds, creating an elevated level of infected birds. Mosquitoes that bite infected birds become carriers of tick borne West Nile Virus.West Nile Virus and tick borne West Nile Virus are derived from the same viral string; therefore, their symptoms are the same. Many individuals who become infected with the virus exhibit from very mild to no symptoms at all. However, when infection does cause the person to become ill, reactions usually consist of flu-like symptoms such as:Although once thought to be a temporary epidemic in North America, the West Nile Virus has spread so rapidly that it is now deemed to be a permanent recurring seasonal illness, much like the flu. A tempting method to eradicate the virus at this point would be to eliminate its natural host, birds. However, not only is that solution impossible, but it also brings no hope or guarantee as birds are migratory.The best defence against contracting West Nile Virus or tick borne West Nile Virus is to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes and avoid areas where ticks flourish. During the summer months, this is easier said than done, but the following precautions are definitely helpful:If you see a tick on your skin, remove it with tweezers by its head (it would be the closest part to your skin). Never crush or swat the tick as this action would encourage it to “latch on” even more tightly. To date, there have been no reported case of tick borne West Nile virus as a result of a direct bite from a tick to a human, but ticks do transmit other illnesses such as Lyme disease.
If you think you might have contracted West Nile Virus, or tick borne West Nile Virus, it is recommended that you consult a doctor immediately.
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