The happy couple was photographed arriving on the red carpet at the NBA All-Star always thought Kim Kardashian’s super-fine awesomery was pretty much unassailable, but I have to confess that I’m a little turned off by Mini-Me Kim. (I’m showing great restraint by not referring to her as Lil Kim, but I – and other bloggers – can only be expected to hold out for so long!)
And speaking of so long, Kim Karmunchkin is wearing some serious Louboutin high-heelage and she still looks as though she’s waiting for her twin to come along so they can summon Mothra!
Just to put things in perspective (literally) here is a shot of Kim by herself:Dayumm! Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about! (Speaking of diminutive, do not stare too long at the Prince Rolling Stone cover in the background – you may not recover.) (The same can be said for Kim.)
I don’t want to come across as a heightist, and I’ve got nothing against Kris Humphries and his successful-so-far bid at being the happiest man in America, but there’s no way I can continue to succumb to the Kimmy K sexual mojo if she continues to represent the Lollipop Guild.
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