Edwards finally snapped a picture of the Loch Ness Monster that he claims is truly the real deal. In addition, it is the best "Nessie" picture ever captured.Of the picture, Edwards said,
"I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and immediately grabbed my camera. I happened to get a good picture of one of them. In my opinion, it probably looks kind of like a manatee, but not a mammal. When people see three humps, they’re probably just seeing three separate monsters."
What an interesting concept. This long-time "Nessie" hunter believes there are lots of these creatures living in Loch Ness. Have you heard this theory before? Part of his reasoning is that the creature was first sighted in 565 AD, which means that the original creature must have had offspring instead of living for the past couple thousand years.
While he took the picture late last year, Edwards only recently started showing it to people. He said,
"Lots of people have come up to me since the picture started getting attention, and telling me they’ve seen something similar. And there’s no smoke without fire, so there must be something in that lake."
Do you believe there really is a Loch Ness Monster? This man is certainly convinced, and he's spent nearly every day for 26 years on the lake in search of the elusive siren. If nothing else, he's had a grand time sailing so much. However, it is just possible that he also captured the best "Nessie" picture ever taken.
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