. Well in the coffee isle some of the coffee filters fell down. Now I went to go and pick them up and my 5-year-old says no mommy I’ll do it. I said, wow thanks for doing that. Then walking up to the front, there was a plastic bag on the floor that he also picked up and put in the garbage at the front, during the check out.
As we were going out, there were no more shopping carts left at the front. So there was a lady with her daughter needing the cart. I emptied my groceries into the truck while my husband was looking at some movies at the RedBox and I told the lady here, you can have mine, there are none in the store either. She was so happy and said thanks, been looking for one for the past 5 minutes. No problem, Have a Happy Thanksgiving I said.
So everyday now, leaving the house, I can’t help but think what can I possibly do to help someone in need. Melissa, you have started something that has become quite contagious. Just ask Vickie, she too has been on a streak with her Acts of Kindness and she has continued with this one as well.
Its amazing what social media can do. I am looking forward to tomorrow and wonder what Turkey Day will bring us!One thing in the SCV that flows in abundance is the local giving spirit. On any given day you can read a story in the paper spotlighting the good deeds of your neighbors across the community.
Friday, February 17, 2012, is Random Acts of Kindness Day. Almost any good deed will do, but you’re encouraged to perform as many kind acts on as many people as you can. People love the idea of showing kindness to others because it’s a fun, good and rewarding thing to do – making both the giver and receiver feel appreciated.
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