Though the Mena Suvari dress in question, pictured here on the right, had no visible straps holding the top half up, there was more going on than meets the eye.
Along with presumably using an entire roll of double-stick tape, a very small, clear strap can be seen holding the dress onto Mena Suvari's ribcage. Sorry guys, no red carpet nip slips to be had!Many have noted the 33-year-old's fashion sense has become more risqué since finalizing her second divorce.
"I had never really taken time to cultivate who I was… I’ve felt drained by it," Mena Suvari said in February of going through the divorce process again. "But I feel like I’m really, finally, content at this point in my life. I’m accepting of who I am and how diverse I am and honoring that. All of it.""Honestly, I never thought that at 33 I’d be a two-time divorcee. But OK, if that’s the path my life is going down, then I accept it," the actress commented in April. "I think at some point you have to acknowledge that and work towards maintaining your own happiness. You have to surround yourself with people who love you and want the best for you. I call this process weeding my garden."
The two-time divorcee -- first married to Robert Brinkmann, and then to Simone Sestito -- left nothing to the imagination with a sheer and backless frock.
View slideshow: Mena Suvari: Racy dress at Beverly Hills Hotel
Suvari's LBD, while another example of her risqué and "risky" dresses worn in the wake of her second divorce, was classy and feminine. The flesh-sides and sheer bodice gave her the look of a black swan, citing the Huffington Post.
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