This morning, Alec of Clan Baldwin and his fiancée Hilaria Thomas floated down to City Hall in a blissful cloud of love, on a mission to obtain a marriage license. After being issued the necessary paperwork, Baldwin left the building and immediately socked a Daily News photographer on the chin.
The paper reports that the paparazzo, Marcus Santos, was "standing innocently with two other photographers" outside the building. In which "innocently" means closely following a celebrity's every move?
"He was looking mad," said Santos. "He said, ‘Step back, step back.' I said, ‘We're moving back.'"
A "photographer" almost hit me in the face with his camera this morning. #allpaparazzishouldbewaterboarded
Baldwin was previously accused of attacking a photographer in 2010; in 2007, he left his daughter a nasty voicemail, calling her a rude little pig. He seems to have mellowed out since dating Thomas, a yoga instructor, but seriously: Who wouldn't be provoked by an unwanted lens in the face while trying to get a city agency to cooperate? Good God, Lemon.
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