At a campaign stop in Southern Virginia on Tuesday, Biden accused GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney of pursuing an economic agenda that would oppress the middle class.
"They're going to put y'all back in chains," he said after targeting Romney's Wall Street policy. Biden and the Obama campaign later said the comment was a reference to a refrain, commonly used by Republicans, about "unshackling" the private sector.
Fox News' Greta Van Susteren asked Palin to respond to the vice president's remarks during an interview on Tuesday.
"There weren't enough groans and boos when he said such a disgusting comment, really, especially to a demographic there that is -- includes about 48 percent of the community being black Americans," Palin said. "Greta, if that's not the nail in the coffin, really, the strategists there in the Obama campaign have got to look at a diplomatic way of replacing Joe Biden on the ticket with Hillary. And I don't want to throw out that suggestion and have them actually accept the suggestion because then a Obama-Hillary Clinton ticket would have a darn good chance of winning."
"But really," she continued. "Joe Biden really drags down that ticket."
Republicans were quick to criticize Biden for his choice of words, while Democrats have accused them of failing to meet a commitment to the "substantive debate" Romney and his newly chosen running mate Paul Ryan had promised just days before.
At a campaign speech on Tuesday evening, Romney highlighted Biden's phrase as proof that Obama was orchestrating a "campaign of division and anger and hate." Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt quickly shot back, saying Romney "seemed unhinged" in his efforts to play up the controversy.
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