Zackary Dexter Pace, Alabama Man, Accused Of Terribly Planned RobberyIf what the police say is true, this guy needs to go back to robbery 101.
Zackary Dexter Pace, 24, is accused of robbing the Jack's restaurant in Pinson, Ala. where he worked, according to Al.com.
Jefferson County Sheriff's deputies said Pace finished his shift Friday only to return moments later with a gun, wearing a disguise that was so bad his fellow employees thought he was kidding. "The disguise was a basic black mask showing his eyes," Chief Deputy Randy Christian said in an email to The Huffington Post. "The employees recognized him immediately by his eyes and the poor attempt he made at trying to disguising his voice and the way he was dressed. In fact, at first they told him to stop joking before they realized he was serious." Pace allegedly went one step further to ensure he was arrested, showing up Monday to Jack's while a sheriff's detective was doing employee interviews about the robbery, in which an undisclosed amount of money was taken. Pace is charged with first degree robbery. As foolhardy as Christian said this robbery was, he can think of one other that might challenge it for the worst robbery attempt in Jefferson County."The suspect was going to rob a quick cash business and was filling out an application waiting for another customer to leave," Christian said. "When the customer left, he pulled his gun and robbed the clerk. As luck would have it, when our detective got there he found that the suspect had written his real social security number on the application." Christian sums up both cases nicely. "You can't make this stuff up."
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