NBA star dog, They say that a dog is a man’s best friend, and while we have seen our fair share of gizmos released that make life easier for the humans to manage their pooches, some of us “use” dogs instead – and there are times when such “usage” turns into abuse, and sends these dogs into what Cesar Millan would call the “red zone”.
I would like to think that majority of the dog owners out there treat their canine friends as family members, and stick with them for life, but sometimes, circumstances in life do lead us to make some very painful decisions.
Kendrick Perkins, a relatively successful NBA player, has decided to take to Twitter as a method of selling his English bulldog on the microblogging network, where he posted a bunch of ads and photos, hoping that one out of his 55,000 followers might want to own his bulldog.
His pooch was going for $1,500 a pop, which is a relatively expensive price for a bulldog (at least in my experience), but when you take into consideration who was its previous owner, the amount pales into insignificance. I mean, no one would want to buy my glittering glove for $10, but see how much they are willing to fork out for that glove that the late Michael Jackson wore?.
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