Swift's picture states "lashes enhanced in post production." NAD director Andrea Levine tells Business Insider, "You can't use a photograph to demonstrate how a cosmetic will look after it is applied to a woman's face and then — in the mice type — have a disclosure that says 'okay, not really.'" Mice type! We like this lady already. Taylor Swift is one of the most clean-cut and wholesome celebrities in the public eye -
Taylor herself has acknowledged that she is a role model and has a responsibility to act accordingly. So why is her Cover Girl makeup ad being banned in the U.S.? Has Taylor turned on her wholesome image and amped up her naughty side? Breathe easy Taylor fans, Tay-Tay isn't a girl going wild! The folks at the National Advertising Division (NAD) have decided to say "Enough!" to a misleading beauty campaign, reports The Gloss. Apparently the Cover Girl ads featuring Taylor Swift make bogus claims about what the product does, including "2X more volume" and "20 percent lighter," that can't really be proven,
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