Warren Beatty aka Henry Warren Beaty: March 30, 1937 in Richmond, Virginia.
Annette Francine Bening: May 29, 1958 in Topeka, Kansas. Annette and Warren met in 1991 to talk about the movie Bugsy.
"Meeting for lunch in San Pietro, a pizza restaurant in a mini-mall near his office in Beverly Hills, Beatty says that he knew within minutes that she was the one. Long past due to settle down, "I was looking for someone to make me good" is how Beatty puts it."
Source: Christopher Goodwin. "Taming of the screw." The Evening Standard. 3/7/2002.
Annette: "I didn't go into that meeting with Warren thinking it would lead to anything personal. I was thinking about the job. I didn't feel I would spend the rest of my life with him."
Source: Christopher Goodwin. "Taming of the screw." The Evening Standard. 3/7/2002.
Annette: "I didn't have any preconceptions about him. He didn't have any about me either," Annette says defiantly. "This wasn't about how many women he had been out with. Sure he likes women. Why shouldn't he? He makes you feel good. Well, he made me feel good! In fact, he is very committed to whatever he does and that includes being a father. He wants to do things well. I think we both knew pretty early on in Bugsy what was going on between us."
Source: Ivan Waterman. "Annette Bening Interview." The Mirror. 1/8/1999. pg. 5.
Annette: "With Warren and me, it was just a mutual feeling, and it was something that we both took very seriously very quickly. That's just how it happened. So the other kind of story about how I managed to snare him, I don't feel connected to it. I mean, he is a great guy! He is a fascinating man and a very appealing person. So that's what I was experiencing; it wasn't ego gratification."
Source: Liz Smith. "Annette Bening: at lunch with Liz." Good Housekeeping. 11/2004. pg. Annette and Warren were married on March 3, 1992. According to The New York Times, the "supersecret ceremony" of Warren and Annette wasn't announced until March 12, 1992.
"Warren Beatty and his "Bugsy" co-star, Annette Bening, announced their marriage. The couple's 2-month-old daughter, [Kathlyn], was their maid of honor."
Source: Elaine Dutka. "Beatty, Bening Privately Wed." Los Angeles Times. 3/13/1992. pg. 6.
Tom Cunneff: "To mark their 10th wedding anniversary on March 3, Warren Beatty bought her a 19th-century flower-petal choker pendant from Neil Lane in L.A. The four petals, made of red garnets and surrounded by diamonds, represent their four children (Kathlyn, 10, Ben, 7, Isabel, 5, and Ella, 1), while the diamond in the center represents Bening."
Annette and Warren have four children.
Kathlyn Elizabeth Bening Beatty: Born in 1992.
Benjamin Beatty: Born in 1994.
Isabel Ira Ashley Beatty: Born in 1997.
Ella Corinne Beatty: Born in 2000.
Annette: "We also really try to make time for ourselves. And I think they [their children] are pretty understanding about that. I think in some ways it is comforting to hear their parents say 'No, we're going to do something on our own. We want to be alone together.' But we also involve them in a lot of stuff."
Source: Liz Smith. "Annette Bening: at lunch with Liz." Good Housekeeping. 11/2004. pg. 146.
Warren about the house he designed 12 years before marrying Annette: "When I designed this house, I put a little room right off the master bedroom. That was designed for a baby."
Warren: "I was never divided on the subject [marriage] with Annette. I was never divided on the subject of having a child. And I was never divided on the subject of her integrity or intelligence or capacity to love."
Source: "The lovers' guide to Warren Beatty." Irish Independent. 11/27/2007. pg.1.
Warren: “After years of running around and having a good time, I began to realize with some embarrassment that in most ways my movies all seem to return to one fairly unoriginal recurring theme: ‘Love conquers all,’ ” he said. “I don’t know if it’s true but it seems to be true for me.”
Peter Evans: "Certainly, no one was expecting him to marry. Indeed, he once told me that he had never married because he could not 'buy into that "until death do us part" stuff' and he had always had a weakness for infidelity. But now he yearned to have a family and time was running out. Children, he told his friends, were 'the key to understanding what is important'. Then Annette Bening entered his life.
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