So we were dismayed today to see the New York Parks Department shrug off this X-Files-style genetic miracle: “It was a pig left over from a cookout,” a spokesperson told Animal NY. “We disposed of it.” Was it really though? Our gut, and a passing knowledge of pigs, says no.
In the mutilated face, sure, maybe we could see it. There might’ve been a snout there at some point and the dirty, crumpled ears look pig-ish.
But it’s the feet, and specifically the toes, that weird us out. That is not like any pig’s foot we’ve ever seen, be they in jars or in petting zoos, and Best Pig Facts agrees: Porkers have four toes on each hoof. We clearly see five on the Monster, who we’ll call Wilbur:
“I definitely agree that the feet are not pig-like at all,” Ginley confirmed to Daily Intel. “No hooves or cloven feet to be seen — it definitely had five toes on all its paws, front and back.” She added, “I think it could be a monstrously huge rat, but it could also be a monster. A rat that big would pretty much be a monster anyway, wouldn’t it?”
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