According to the organizers of the visit, Tim Burton will visit Moscow on June 20. As it turned out, the famous hoaxer and film visionary, many have tried to invite to Russia. However, the director of all time refused. At this time we were lucky: the personal request of director Bekmambetov still decided to visit the capital.
From Timur Bekmambetov, who to this day is one of the most prominent representatives of Russia in Hollywood, Burton met after the hit “Wanted” with Angelina Jolie (2008). On a couple of them produced the cartoon “The Nine” (9, 2009), and now have decided to unite for new movie in the vampire theme.
The central hero of the painting became the 16th U.S. president and part-time fighter against evil spirits. In the story tapes, vampires are constantly trying to seize power in the country.
The project budget, shot in 3D, is estimated at 70 million dollars. To assess the scale of the new movie trailer for Bekmambetov possible.
Tim Burton is known for the audience as the author of “Batman,” “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” “Alice in Wonderland” and “Sleepy Hollow”.
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