The study, published in the journal Clinical Biochemistry, revealed that certain types of baby soaps used on infants led to positive results for marijuana.
The study used five of the most popular baby soaps on the market; Johnson & Johnson's Head-to-Toe Baby Wash, J&J Bedtime Bath, CVS Night-Time Baby Bath, Aveeno Soothing Relief Creamy Wash and Aveeno Wash Shampoo. Very small amounts of the soaps- less than 0.1 milliliters- were added to urine samples and returned a positive result for the active ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol or THC.
Researchers were testing the baby soaps after nurses at a North Carolina hospital reported an unusually high number of newborns tested positive for marijuana.
Researchers were also adamant in making sure that it was known that the soaps do not make the newborns "high."
"It's not marijuana in any way, shape or form," researcher Catherine Hammett-Stabler, a professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, told MSNBC.com.
The reason for the testing of baby soaps is due to the consequences that new mothers face should their newborns test positive for illegal substances.
Hospitals normally do not perform additional tests for drug screenings given the time and extra cost that is involved.
"We really did this to help protect families from being falsely accused," and to make certain that those newborns who are at risk for drug exposure get the help they need, Dr. Carl Seashore, researcher and pediatrician, told MSNBC.com.
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