The Savage Men was a male revue, and the guys were certainly in great shape. But looking good is only one part of the formula. Once the music started, it was clear that they had no rhythm or dancing ability. They'd already lost the audience by the time they took off their shirts, so taking it down to their underwear -- which they did -- was simply too little too late.
But Stern was clearly enjoying the act. So much so that he joined the guys on stage, where he got a writer for The Wall Street Journal's Speakeasy blog to say, "For a skeleton with no butt, he’s not a bad dancer."
Thankfully, Stern didn't strip down anything. And while his antics had both Howie Mandel and Sharon Osbourne laughing in shock, neither one of them agreed with him to send The Savage Men on, and so it was the end of the road for the tone deaf all male revue.
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