Avid soccer fan dies from watching Euro Cup for 11 straight nights, A 26-year-old soccer fan from Changsha City, capital of Hunan Province, died in his dream on June 19, after staying up 11 straight nights for watching the football games since the European Championship 2012 kicked off on June 8.
The die-hard fan of England soccer team, surnamed Jiang, was said to be healthy, and once a leading player in his soccer team during college days. And after graduation, Jiang continued to play football with friends too, to keep fit.
From the start of the tournament, Jiang had been keeping up all nights day after day in a bar for the matches. He invited friends, and drunk a lot of bear together while watching the matches. But Jiang was the most manic one.
“We took rest some days, but he never missed one game,” said one of his friends.
On June 18, exciting Jiang even gathered his friends together to play a football game, to enjoy himself to the full when the Euro 2012 was in full swing. At night, he continued to stay up watching the match between Italy and Ireland.
But no one would expect that Jiang’s life was then set for a countdown, after the final whistle of that match was blown.
He went back home to sleep at around 5 a.m. of June 19. And he never woke up.
Jiang was the only child of his parents. Since he was gone, Jiang’s parents have been in deep sorrow.
In Changsha, such a case of death by football-watching ever occurred once in 2006 during the FIFA World Cup hosted in German. A young man stayed in a bar watching the opening ceremony and the next two matches, and drank a lot of bear. At 4 a.m. the next day, when the second match was close to an end, the man’s pupils were suddenly dilated, and stopped breathing at last after rushing to hospital.
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