North Carolina have found that different types of baby soaps used on newborns in the hospitals contain marijuana as an active ingredient, thereby revealing the mystery behind the recent incident of several babies testing positive for marijuana after birth.The study published in the journal Clinical Biochemistry, based on five popular baby soap brands: Johnson & Johnson's Head-to-Toe Baby Wash, J&J Bedtime Bath, CVS Night-Time Baby Bath, Aveeno Soothing Relief Creamy Wash and Aveeno Wash Shampoo found that even adding very minimal quantity of these soaps to urine samples- below 0.1 milliliters, can show positive results for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of the active ingredients in marijuana.
The study, started after receiving complaints of newborns testing positive for marijuana in a North Carolina hospital, examined the possibility of the maternal use of marijuana and found that baby soaps were the main culprit. The main reason that turned the investigators' attention to baby soaps was the fact that samples of meconium or the baby's first bowel movement didn't test positive as the urine samples from the newborns.But the researchers noted that the THC contained in these soaps does not have any effect on the babies, msnbc reported.
"It's not marijuana in any way, shape or form," researcher Catherine Hammett-Stabler, a professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, told msnbc.
The study helped to fully eradicate the misunderstanding regarding baby's exposure to marijuana while in womb, which may have led to false child abuse accusations.
"Our findings in this study drive home the point that confirmation by more sophisticated methods such as mass spectrometry should be considered before moving ahead with interventions such as child social services or child abuse allegations, which may be false, " said co-author Carl J. Seashore, MD, associate professor of pediatrics at UNC and director of the Newborn Nursery, in a statement.
Though the experiments proved the role played by these soaps, the actual cause leading to the phenomenon is not known.
"We identified some of the chemicals, some of the detergents that were doing this, but exactly how that happens, what the mechanism might be, we don't know," lead author Dr. Catherine A. Hammett-Stabler, who is a professor of pathology and laboratory medicine and executive director of the Core Laboratory of the William W. McLendon Clinical Laboratories at UNC Hospitals, said.
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