Fox Mole book deal
Fox Mole book deal - 'FOX Mole' Joe Muto lands book deal, Former FOX News employee Joe Muto made headlines recently when he secretly began posting embarrassing articles about the FOX newsroom on the website Gawker. And while it took less than 48 hours for his employer to identify and fire him, Muto now has more gainful employment on the horizon, with a book deal signed worth six figures.
Joe Muto, the infamous "Fox Mole," has signed a deal with Dutton to write a book about his experiences working at Fox News titled An Atheist in the Foxhole. OUR EDITOR RECOMMENDS. Al Qaeda Spokesman Calls Fox News Biased, Judges News Networks in Newly Released Letters. It's Official: Bill O'Reilly Signs Multi-Year Deal With Fox News Channel.
A press release says the book "describes how Muto, an NPR-listening, Obama-loving liberal, took a job at Fox News expecting he'd only stay for a few months. But eight years later, he was still there, working as a producer for Bill O'Reilly, a man with 'fair and balanced' views that made Muto cringe on a daily basis."
Dutton touts the book as being "in the vein of classics like Liar’s Poker and How to Lose Friends and Alienate People" that brings "readers inside the heart of a cultural institution that some love and some love to hate." Gawker pegs the advance in the vlow six figures.
Muto gained fame April 10 when he started anonymously blogging about Fox News for Gawker as the "Fox Mole," gossiping about the conservative news channel. Within one day, Fox News figured out that Muto was the Mole, and his eight-year tenure at the news channel -- where he had risen from production assistant to an associate producer on The O'Reilly Factor -- was ended. Fox News has since made legal claims against Muto for larceny and computer tampering. The Manhattan District Attorney's office seized his computer and iPhone as part of the investigation.
Muto has an agreement with Dutton for a memoir coming out in early 2013. The imprint of Penguin Group (USA) announced Friday that the book will be called “An Atheist in the Foxhole.”
Muto worked at Fox for eight years, most recently on Bill O’Reilly’s show. He has described himself as a liberal suffering amid conservative co-workers.
His first Gawker post included video of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney chatting with Sean Hannity. He also criticized a Fox website as “an unholy mashup of the Drudge Report, the Huffington Post and a Klan meeting.”
The network has said it’s exploring legal recourse against him.
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